Katherine Branigan – BA, NTP, MSA, BA, MFT
My family raised me to always have a garden and even raised cows, in Los Angeles. I never really thought much about it; as it was just the way it was.
I became interested in nutrition back in the ’90s when I was working with children and realized how much food affected their behavior.
It wasn’t until 2000 that I became certified as a Nutritional Therapist and worked in a clinic assisting people to regain a healthy body. It was my work here that created an awareness of how closely the emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives affect our well being. As a health coach I can assist you in retaking charge of your life.
Being energetically aware since I was a small child has taught me how to use this skill professionally. It helps me facilitate others health and well being. Sometimes people get stuck on a topic and don’t know how to get past it. This drains physical well being and causes emotional issues. Sometimes just a little nudge makes the progress much easier, life coaching.
Email: Katherine@NutritionalTuning.com or call/text (206) 779-1959 to learn more.